Saturday, November 8, 2014

Response of NSA to George Fleming

3. Letter from NSA of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom
27 Rutland gate, London SW7 1PD

October 18,2002

Mr George Fleming

Dear Baha'i friend,

The National Spirtual assembly appreciates your desire to defend the good name of our beloved Faith and the sincerity with which you seek to do so. However, your recent imvolvement in certain email discussion groups may have inadvertently helped the cause of those very individuals from whom you are seeking to protect the Faith, and this has become a source of some concern to the National Assembly.

The National Spiritual Assembly therefore instructs you, with immediate effect, to cease and desist from participating in the SCI, TRB and ARB e-discussion lists and in any other unmoderated discussions conducted over email. Further, you are requested to cease direct communication with Pat Kohli and Susan Maneck and the national Spiritual Assembly of the United States. However should you have a grievance which you would like to bring to the attention of the latter body you are kindly asked to refer such a matter to the attention of the National Assembly of the United Kingdom.

The National Assembly further asks you to refrain from discussing any of the issues raised in this letter with anyone other than Councellor Shahriavi, the national Spiritual Assembly of the United Kingdom, or Auxiliary Board members Denis Coyle and Ann O'Sullivan.

The National Spiritual Assembly trusts that you will abide by what is now being asked of you. Should you fail to do so, the national Assembly will have no choice but to take further action.

With loving Baha'i greetings.

National Spiritual Assembly
Kishan Manocha, Assistant Secretary

Read George Fleming's Letter

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